Continous Delivery toolkit

ENACT will deliver two enablers that aim at improving the continuous delivery of smart IoT systems, with a specific focus on (i) agile and continuous evolution and (ii) ensuring the proper design of the system before delivery. A particular attention will be given to support the testing of smart IoT systems and the gradual migration from the test to the operation environment.

Agile Operation Toolkit

ENACT will deliver three innovative enablers to significantly reduce the burden of managing and maintaining smart IoT systems. A specific attention will be given (i) to ensure the trustworthiness of such systems and (ii) to automate operation activities as much as possible.

Trustworthiness toolkit

ENACT will deliver a set of enablers addressing specific crosscutting trustworthiness concerns such as ensuring proper robustness, security and privacy of smart IoT systems.

A Good Kick-Off of ENACT

Phu NGuyen- 20/01/2018

On the 16th, 17th, and 18th of January, 2018, the whole consortium of the ENACT project gathered in Oslo for the Kick-off Meeting, hosted by the SINTEF's project team. The main objectives of this meeting were to 1) get to know the people in the project; 2) kick off the project activities, in particular the WP1 (use cases) and WP5 (architecture); 3) get to know the project partners' background and planned contributions; 4) agree on the project management aspects; and 5) decide on the next steps to ensure a good start of the project.

The first day started with the ice-breaker round table introduction for all the participants to get to know each other. Then, Arnor Solberg (Project Coordinator) and Nicolas Ferry (Technical Coordinator) led a series of presentations by recalling ENACT idea, the main objectives, the expected technical contributions, and the responsibility of every partner of the ENACT project. Each project partner took turn to present their organization and competency, their role, goals and ambition in the project. It was great for all the participants to know more about each other.

The second day continued with the partners' presentations, followed by the Work Packages (WP) presentations. Every WP presentation showed the good preparation and plan of WP leader to complete the tasks of the WP. The presentations also sparked thoughtful discussions on technical aspects and practical aspects among the meeting participants. A highlight of the second day was the visit to the TellU's Smart IoT Lab at the Telenor Expo, which gave a lot of inspirations for a good start of the project.

The third day concluded the kick-off with the remaining WP presentations, project management aspects, and the concrete plan for the next steps. All in all, the kick-off meeting was successful, which has "enacted" all the project partners to start working on the ENACT project with great synergy. Many thanks to all the participants!


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